Birthday Back Home

Photos by Jenelle Zavala

Dress - Thrifted (and tailored by my Mamma moments before this little shoot <3)

As you may have seen on my Instagram, I went home to Chico, CA for my birthday last week. I was unsure what I wanted to do this year for my birthday but this last-minute decision worked out beautifully! Last year I was tucked into the Montana mountains. It was the perfect place to reflect on the year I had just had and the year ahead of me. I didn't want this year to be anything less and thanks to my beautiful Mamma and lovely friends it was a perfect day. I kind of feel like I was 27 for multiple years, even though it flew by in other ways. Birthdays are opportunities to check in. They're mile markers ... Are you where you thought you'd be? Do you want to do more? Less? Create a new path even if it requires hacking your way through with a machete? Haha 

cheers to new years 
