My Week in Photos

  1. Philly hotel views

  2. Love me some subway fashion

  3. A beautiful little lua at dusk while walking around my new neighborhood

  4. Curry tilapia that I cooked last night - I will eat the leftovers today :)

  5. Hotel bed heaven

  6. Trying new fancy face cream. It has fragrance tho, not my fave

  7. The mark of seasons changing - more subway fashion

  8. Ni Mi Madre! a play I saw in the West Village with Leticia - I read an amazing review in The New Yorker and had to see it

  9. Views in the West Village during golden hour right before the play started

  10. Times Square area - Broadway plays are returning and there is lots of excitement and pretty displays

  11. A friend kindly gifted me a tennis racket (I played for 1 year in high school and want to get back into it). I found a wall this week and spent a morning practicing. It felt good!

  12. $4 Thrift store Filas

  13. Roomie dinner - twas a feast!

  14. Frida and Diego truck in Williamsburg

  15. 2:30 AM in my room

  16. My first in-person in-studio dance class in ???? way too long (Afro-Haitian class)

  17. Took the ferry to Governors island and watched some soccer on the pier on the way back

  18. My second play of the week - Lackawana Blues - it was absolutely incredible